Credit counseling is a type of debt relief program that involves education and instruction. Sometimes known as debt counseling, this solution seeks to assist the debtor by helping them understand their current financial situation. Among the lessons to be learned is why they got in this situation, how to get out of it and how to ensure that they will never get in the same situation again.

The whole concept of this debt solution is logical. Some people opt to go for more than just counseling. They enrol themselves in debt management programs wherein the counselor who analyzed their finances provide further services that include creditor negotiation (usually for a longer payment term and a lower interest rate) and debt management. With this option, you get to work with a payment scheme that allows you to make only one payment and the counselor takes charge of distributing that payment to your different creditors.

But even though the concept is logical, this type of debt relief option has a very low success rate. Most of the people enrolling end up quitting or not completing the program that they started.

In essence, this is the safest debt relief option for anyone who wishes to get out of debt without service fees or extensive damage to their credit score. So why is it failing?

First of all, people who enter this program has the wrong assumption about it. Despite all the services and assistance provided, you need to understand that there is not be a reduction on your debt balance - not like in debt settlement. What the debt counselor will do is to negotiate the monthly dues you have to pay for will be lower than before. The lowered interest rate is also not a guarantee. In most cases, the creditor agrees to the appeal from the counselor to lower the rate, but in some, they do not. The lower monthly payments are brought about by the fact that your current balance is stretched over a longer term.

Another problem encountered is related to the debtor’s qualifications. This type of debt solution requires a steady and stable income to support the new payment plan that the counselor will help you create. If you do not have this, you may end up failing to comply. Relative to that, anyone with a high debt to income may find it hard to stick to payments. If you have a high ratio, best to go for debt relief options that will focus on debt reduction.

Lastly, people fail at credit counseling because they cannot commit to the program. This can be influenced by the two reasons previously mentioned but more than that, it involves a personal choice to make sacrifices to ensure debt relief success. Regardless of what you choose as a debt relief option, make sure that you are ready to face all the sacrifices necessary to pay off your credit obligations. Without it, you will find it hard to discipline yourself.

Approach this program with the right expectations, qualifications and attitude so you can guarantee success. Provide the counselor with the right financial data so the payment plan that you will create will be based on what you can afford - and not what you aspire to afford as debt payments.

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